How Private & Group Tuition Is Better For Your Child

Choosing whether to enrol your child to an individual or group tuition is an overwhelming decision for most parents. Certain complex subjects such as chemistry, mathematics, and physics require not only fundamental understanding but also regular practice. Therefore, tuition is necessary to perfect the art of these complex subjects. Private tuitions or group tuitions can do, but how suitable is it to your child?

Private tuition is one to one coaching by a teacher. Specific topics, as requested by the student, are taught. Group tuition, on the other hand, involves several students, which can go from 5, 10, up to 15 students – depending on how many students the tuition centre hosts in each class. Here, only crucial concepts are taught. The students are more involved since group work is encouraged in the form of discussions.

So, which one is more fitting for your child – individual or group tuition? Read on to find out the answer!

Private Tuition

Provides for Flexibility And Customised Tutoring

Students are at liberty to pick their most suitable time. In case of any emerging issue, rearranging their time table is simpler. The weak points of the student are the main focus of the tutor.

Here the pace at which the student is taught deepens on the students’ understanding; hence success rate is always assured. Revisiting topics in case some clarity is needed can also be done quickly.

Students Get Undivided Attention

Tutors give their assigned students optimum care. For students with low concentration in class or are slow learners, private tuition helps since the tutors only focus, is the student. The tutor has an easy time identifying weak points, and clarifications or emphasis are done immediately.

Saves Time

Travelling to a learning centre and back home wastes a lot of time and makes most parents feeling insecure, unlike making arrangements for tutors to come. It’s easy and more convenient to provide education at home – tutors major on specific weak points instead of going through all the topics.

Group Tuition


Compared to private tutoring, fees are way lower in-group since a tutor teaches many students at a go. Cost-sharing hugely applies. Moreover, more subjects and lessons are also offered.

Encourages Group Discussions

Tutors have an easier job here since theirs is to teach the concept of the topic. Students then brainstorm deeper hence promoting a better understanding. Learning from peers’ benefits students. They acquire different skills on how to solve different questions.

Promotes Healthy competition

For instance, in group sessions for physics tuition – discussions are part of the lesson; it’ll help to have a better understanding of the topic by getting the opinions from other students in the class. Also, it promotes critical thinking and consistency to be better than fellow students, thus promoting healthy competition.

Inspiration from Peers

Struggling to understand a few areas in a subject is discouraging; however, studying with peers helps students realise that this is not specific to them. Moreover, recognising that some are doing well motivates them that doing well is possible as long as one works hard.


Both private and group tuitions are good. But how effective is either of them to your child taking physics? Before choosing the best fit to better a student, there are many factors to consider; suitability, cost, time, and many more factors. The principal element of them all is the preference of your kid because he/she is the one studying; hence the choice they make determines their future.

While right now is a period where we can’t be in a classroom setting in person to have our tuition lessons – we can still connect with one another and get better at our studies! We will be moving towards online class sessions and materials to help our students stay in touch with the books and maintain their physics grade even while amid this Circuit Breaker period.

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