8 Effective Thank-You Gift Suggestions To Give Your Clients

Instead of sending your customers those stale thank-you emails, you can use a different approach that will leave a lasting impression – sending them a thank-you gift. Figuring out what to send as a thank-you gift can be a bit problematic.

You don’t want something that’s too costly nor useless to the person you’re giving the gift to. So, you have to choose between practicality and pricing when purchasing appropriate corporate gifts in Singapore. Here are some ideas to make this process easier for you:

1. Help Them Learn Something

Gifting your customers with learning will make you stand out. You can compile several lessons to help them make their purchase worthwhile. For example, if you run a guitar store, gift them with CDs for free music lessons. You can also provide them with courses in areas that complement their purchase. For instance, a handcrafts store can provide a free pottery class so that customers can learn and earn a personalised gift at the same time.

2. Send A Birthday Gift

The birthday of a customer is a significant occasion to be celebrated every year.There’s no age limit when it comes to celebrating one’s birthday. It is crucial to pay particular attention to the person on their special day, whether the person is young or old, it is a happy occasion to be a year older. Sending customers gifts on their birthdays may help you win their loyalty. Remembering customers on such occasions shows them that you care about them and appreciate them.

3. Offer Appreciation Gifts

An unexpected gift of gratitude will demonstrate real appreciation for your customers. Chocolates, cookies, candy or anything sweet and customizable can make a fantastic appreciation gift for your customers. Depending on your services and the time of year, there are different types of gift baskets that you can give to your customers to make them feel valued. Many customers will be happy if they received a tin of fresh cookies alongside their purchase. You can include a brand logo and personalized message to the packaging.

4. Feature Your Customers on Social Media

Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and that includes your customers as well. Thus, if you have a social media page, you can gift your customers by featuring them or their projects. This strategy can work effectively when a customer has interacted with you or uploaded a photo of your product in the past. It’s a great way to let customers know that you are listening and it makes them feel valued, further encouraging them to remain loyal to your brand.

5. Share Local Products

Gifting your customers with local products such as locally sourced food items can work like a charm for two reasons. Firstly, it lets customers know that you care a lot about them to personalize a gift according to their location. Secondly, it reveals your business as a partner to the other local businesses, which improves your brand’s perception. Therefore, you should partner with one of the local businesses to provide these gift items. Both your customers and local businesses will appreciate the collaboration.

6. Offer Free Services Or Consultation

Show that you appreciate your customer by offering your customers a complimentary service. You could offer a free service upgrade or a free consultation that will definitely benefit them. Offering valuable advice can be a gift especially in those industries that are difficult to approach. If your company sells fitness equipment, you may provide a custom workout routine or diet plan. If you sell clothes, you may offer a freestyle consultation.

7. Make One of Your Customers Feel Special

Rather than sending ordinary gifts to each customer, you can crank up your social media mileage by making one customer feel exceptionally special. You can select a customer who has been very loyal to your business and then create a gesture that transcends a standard gift. By making a selected customer feel special, it shows the rest of your customers that you’re always listening and avidly keep up with them. This shows that your brand thinks highly of their customers, making them feel greatly appreciated.

8. Send a Free Product from Your Company Catalog

An interesting gift idea is to give away an affordable but useful item from your catalogue. Ensure it’s a low-cost product but with perceived value to your customers. The more interest a customer earns from a freebie, the more dedicated they will be in exchange. Furthermore, you should ensure that it’s related to the initial purchase; for instance, free socks for a pair of sneakers. It will help you attract people who are interested in your service or product by offering something of genuine value. This contributes to further interactions and ultimately generate sales from potential customers.

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