5 Training Methods To Ensure The Proficiency Of Employees

Training courses or classes in Singapore is commonly carried out to improve and upgrade the skills of the employees. There are several approaches or methods that are embraced to ensure that the employees are trained for the job they will be doing in the company.

The methods always depend a lot on the needs of the organisation among other factors that are put into consideration. Some of the top methods are:

On the job training

This method involves having a semi-skilled employee trained under a skilled employee or even a proper trainer. The skilled workers have the mandate of showing the trainee how the technical things are done. The employee under training will be given some instructions and assignments that need completion with varying parameters. The key benefits of this method is that the employee under training is subjected to practical aspects rather than theory based. On job training are the best kind of trainings as skills learnt can be put into practice on the spot, helping employees to better retain what was being taught and learn from mistakes fast. The method is also cost-friendly and saves a lot of time.


Lectures are a popular method when training a group of audience. The lecture method can always be accompanied by visual aids or hands-on in order to emphasise on certain aspects of the training. One of the key advantages that this method has is the ability to be used when the trainees are many in number. It will just involve them settling in a training room then be given a lecture on what is expected of them.

Conference method

Conference training involves carrying out a formal based meeting. In this method, the organisers will always seek to understand the trainees by engaging them during the process. There is usually a lot of discussion happening and the trainees will pool together the possible solutions to a problem identified during the discussion. Its main advantage is that it gives various perspectives about a problem and the solution.

Apprenticeship training

This is the most popular method of training among construction firms and metal works industries. A good trainer  is one who has different methods of training. The trainees are usually taught for a long period of time through the practical steps and observation. Most of the places where the method is used is where the trainees have a poor educational background in relation to the work at hand. Trainees will always get some stipend during the entire period of training.

Programmed instructions/commands

Teaching machines and textbooks are widely used in this method of training. Usually, the information is broken down into units that make sense and meaning. In this method, the trainers will help the trainees come up with presentation questions and their respective answers. It is from the proposed solutions that the trainer will be able to determine the level of accuracy held by the trainees.  It usually happens in training room or seminars room rental.

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